User guide#

To render a cheat sheet to a PDF file locally, you run a command like this one:

quarto render examples/cheat_sheet.qmd --to cheat_sheet-pdf

The preceding command saves the PDF file for the cheat_sheet.qmd file in the Examples directory to the doc/_build directory by default. If you want to change the output directory, you can modify the _quarto.yml file. For more information, see The _quarto.yml file.

Format options#

The YAML configuration file for a cheat sheet specifies format options:

  • version: Version of the cheat sheet:

    version: 0.1
  • title: Title of the cheat sheet:

    title: PyMAPDL cheat sheet
  • footer: Footer text of the cheat sheet:

    footer: PyMAPDL cheat sheet
  • footerlinks: List of links to display in the footer of the cheat sheet. Each link must have a urls and text option:

    - urls:
      text: PyMAPDL documentation
  • format: Format for rendering the cheat sheet. For PDF generation, use cheat_sheet-pdf:

    format: cheat_sheet-pdf
  • execute: Controls code and cell output. While descriptions for key options follow, see Code Cells: Knitr in the Quarto documentation for descriptions of all available options.

    • eval: Whether to evaluate code cells. If False, the code is only echoed in the output:

        eval: false
    • echo: Whether to include cell source code in the output:

        echo: false
    • output: Whether to include the results of executing the code in the output:

        output: false

Configuration file example#

Here is an example of a YAML configuration file:

version: 0.1
title: PyMAPDL cheat sheet
footer: PyMAPDL cheat sheet
- urls:
  text: PyMAPDL Documentation
format: cheat_sheet-pdf
  eval: false
  echo: false
  output: false

By default, code cells are executed. To disable execution, for the execute option, set eval: false.

To disable execution and exclude the cell source code in the output, use the eval, echo, and similar options within the code cell:

#| eval: false
#| echo: false

By default, the results of executing the code are included in the output. To exclude these results, for the execute option, set output: false.

The _quarto.yml file#

As indicated in Project Metadata in the Quarto documentation, all Quarto projects include a _quarto.yml configuration file. Any document rendered within the project directory automatically inherit the metadata defined at the project level.

The root directory of the PyAnsys Cheat Sheet repository includes an example of a

_quarto.yml file.

To change the directory that PDF files for cheat sheets are saved to, you would modify this line:

latex-output-dir: _build

Other example files#

A Quarto QMD file is a format used for integrating plain text markdown and code into a single compiled document. The Examples directory contains these QMD files:

To render the example of a PyMAPDL cheat sheet, run this command:

quarto render examples/pymapdl_cheat_sheet_example.qmd


If you want to open a QMD file in Jupyter Notebook, follow these steps:

  1. Install the jupytext package by running this command: pip install jupytext

  2. Install the jupyter package by running this command: pip install jupyter

  3. Open the QMD file in Jupyter Notebook by running this command: jupyter notebook cheat_sheet.qmd