
The cheat_sheet.qmd file in the Examples directory is a simple QMD file that you can use as a template for creating your own cheat sheets.

title: Your title here
format: cheat_sheet-pdf
  version: "Your version here"
footer: Your footer here
  - urls: Your URL here
    text: Your text here
  - urls: Your URL here
    text: Your text here
# Uncommment the following line to not evaluate code cells
# execute:
#     eval: false # Set to true to evaluate code cells
      extension: .qmd
      format_name: quarto
      format_version: '1.0'
      jupytext_version: 1.16.1
    display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
    language: python
    name: python3

# General section

Description of the first section goes here.

import os

# Section with code output

Description of the second section goes here.

print("Hello, world!")

# Section with code evaluation but no results included

This section is evaluated but execution results are not included in the output.
#| output: false
print("Hello, world!")

# Section with code evaluation but no results included

This section is evaluated but execution results are not included in the output.

#| output: false

# Section with code evaluation and results included

This section is evaluated and execution results are included in the output.


# Section without code evaluation
#| eval: false

If there is no evaluation, the code cell is not executed.
Thus, no execution results are included in the output.

# Section without code echo

This section is not evaluated, and the code cell is not shown in
the rendered document. However, the output is included in the
rendered document.

#| echo: false
print("Hello, world!")

# Section without code echo and output
This section is not evaluated, and the code cell is not shown in
the rendered document. The output is also not included in the
rendered document.

#| echo: false
#| output: false
print("Hello, world!")

# Use of variables

## Styles of text

**Bold text**

*Italic text*

***Bold and italic text***

## Lists and images
1. Numbered list
2. Numbered list
3. Numbered list

- Bulleted list
- Bulleted list
- Bulleted list


## Subsection

- Add subsections as needed.
- Add more subsections as needed.
- Add more subsections as needed.

- [link](https://www.google.com)
- [link](https://www.google.com)
- [link](https://www.google.com)

To use PyAnsys Quarto Cheat Sheet to render this QMD file as a cheat sheet in PDF format, run this command:

quarto render cheat_sheet.qmd


The rendered cheat sheet is saved as the cheat_sheet.pdf file in the same directory as the QMD file.

You can view a PDF file with the content originally provided in this cheat sheet by clicking the following link. If you have run the preceding command, you can open the PDF saved in the Examples directory. This PDF includes any changes that you might have made to the cheat_sheet.qmd file.

Rendered PDF file